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Sending a email to fax

Sending a fax using your email address is simple but will require that you know your fax number. Here's how you do it: 


  1. Use the number that you want to send a fax to as the email address followed by
  2. Use the number that you want the fax sent from as the Subject line of your email
  3. If you want a cover page then add any information you want on the cover page as the Body  of your email. 
  4. Attach supported files to your email and send it!

A few things to note here are that you can send with either a leading one or without. That is, an acceptable email address would be both: as well as However, you should not have dashes in your email address because many email servers will fail the outgoing email.


Size limits

Size limits for email to fax are: 20 documents,35 MB


You can also add a cover page to your fax.


Adding a cover page to your Email to Fax

If there is something in the body of the email that text will be used to create a cover page. This will be denoted by the text COVER PAGE appended automatically to the top of the the page.

If you only want to send a one page, text only, fax you may do so by sending just data in the body of the email without sending any attachments. If you use an email signature and do not want it to be included in the cover page, you will need to clear it before sending the email.